Saturday Walk Around –
We have had a week of heavy rainfall, so our fields are very wet. None of the farm work can be done by tractor when the fields are so wet and a lot of mud gets tracked into trucks, our office, and the packing shed. The crews tread heavily in boots that pick up the sticky mud in the fields. Their rain gear is coated with mud and everything is a little bit slower, adding to the costliness of keeping the doors open and the crew working during rainy weather. The crew only came in for 4-hours on most days last week since we were mostly only picking for farmers markets and CSA boxes. And besides, it was cold and messy work, not a nice walk in the rain to jump in the puddles! Full Belly has a commitment to providing year-round work for our crew, as well as a commitment to showing up at markets and CSA pick-up sites year-round without fail. But when the weather is cold and wet, it can take a toll. [Read more…]