Theme: farm events

News From the Farm | March 6, 2017

Open Farm Day Saturday March 25

Spring is a magical time of year at the farm. From the bouncing baby lambs to the honey-scented blossoms, every day it seems as though something else is waking up from a long winter nap. This year, after the buckets of rain we received, everything seems a little bit more vibrant. Our pastures are thick with grass, the trees seem to grow before our eyes, and insects are buzzing from bloom to bloom with glee. The farmers at Full Belly all agree: this is the best time to visit the farm! For that reason, we invite you, your family, and friends to our Open Farm Day on March 25.  [Read more…]

News From the Farm | May 23, 2016

Summer season has begun and we want our CSA members to visit us! We want you to experience the farm and get to know the challenges and joys of each season. We want to be YOUR family’s farmer, providing as much of your diet for you as possible – vegetables, fruits, nuts and FLOWERS! Yes, even flowers…

On Sunday June 12, you and your family have another opportunity to visit Full Belly Farm, this time for a Field to Vase experience featuring a tour of the farm and our flower fields. Wander through the sunflowers, zinnias, marigolds, asters and cosmos – this is your chance to explore our flower operation from seed to stem. Full Belly Florist, Hannah Rose Muller, will guide participants through a farm fresh floral design workshop, complete with harvesting and arranging YOUR own bouquet! [Read more…]

News From the Farm | April 11, 2016

Mother’s Day Sunday always presents a plethora of options for families wanting to spoil that amazing Mom for her special day. Well, we have a secret up here in the Capay Valley – the most perfect experience you could ever give her:  the Capay Valley Mother’s Day Garden Tour. Here are the top five reasons why this tour is exactly what that special mother (or garden lover) deserves for Mother’s Day.

#1. It is in a spectacular setting! There is nothing more beautiful than this agricultural valley in the middle of May. The Capay Valley is home to 5 small towns and winds through them all over 20 miles. The hills are still green, the gardens are alive and blooming, the temperature is typically ideal (in the mid 80’s) and best of all, the first of the fruit season will be starting with peaches, mulberries and strawberries! [Read more…]

2016 Open Farm Day Festivities


The next generation of farmers.



Andrew, leading a Farm tour.

Day in the Country

September 14, 2015

Land Trust 2015

Richard Rominger (behind) listening to Jerry Brown (center) at the Day in the Country fundraiser (9/13) for the Yolo Land Trust.  Dozens of chefs from all over the Bay Area and Sacramento regions used locally grown products to wow hundreds of guests.  The display (left) features donated late summer tomatoes, quince, apples, winter squash, cucumbers and peppers.

Outside Lands Festival

Full Belly’s Farmers Market stand at the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco last weekend.



News From the Farm | June 15, 2015

 Farm Day 

It was a small, but happy group of open farm day visitors last Saturday. First we visited some of the Full Belly chickens and talked about pastured animals. The chickens were clustered in the shade under mulberry and quince trees, behaving quite chicken-like, which they might not have had a chance to do if they had been living in battery cages.

Next we got on a trailer and were toured around the easy way, behind a tractor, stopping to discuss any interesting sight that we passed.  We ended up picking apricots and gorging ourselves on the delicious fruit, but not quite spoiling our appetites for picnic lunch.

apricot bliss [Read more…]

News From the Farm | April 13, 2015

We would like to extend a warm welcome to gardening enthusiasts to our unique valley on Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th for the 8th annual Capay Valley Mother’s Day Garden Tour.  Our valley is home to an amazing array of gardeners and farmers – from a 2 -acre homesteading garden to a 20- acre floral production field, we definitely have something to delight everyone. Nine gardens will be on display sprinkled throughout the valley towns of Esparto, Capay, Brooks, Guinda and Rumsey. Along with the gardens there are other points of interest including the new Seka Hills Olive Mill and wine tasting rooms and the Capay Valley Vineyards tasting room –both of which have special delights for mothers on their special day. Our local restaurant, the Guinda Commons, will be featuring jazz music all day and the Yolo Grange Hall is providing a “local lunch box” for those wanting to purchase a locally sourced meal. The tour is self-guided so that you can take your time and linger at those gardens that really draw you in.

The gardeners themselves make the day an especially exceptional event. For instance, the owner and head “gardener” at the Capay Oaks garden is a world-renowned landscape architect with projects scattered from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Redding, California! Ron Lutsko designed the famous Sundial Garden in Redding with an emphasis on environmental sustainability including acres of drought tolerant natives. His woodland-oak landscaped garden here in the Capay Valley is a stunning example of this as well and includes hundreds of special species that Ron has collected throughout the state. [Read more…]

News from the Farm | June 23, 2014

Summer Time is Yummy Time

One of the things I love most about summer is how simply yet sumptuously we eat without much time devoted to food preparation. In the winter time when it’s cool outside it’s fun to spend long hours over the stove, simmering and slow cooking and taking the time to really bring out flavors, but in the summer, it’s all about letting the freshness and coolness sing. Often all the produce needs is a squeeze of lemon juice or a dash of salt. Breakfast this morning was a toasted Acme baguette with fresh mozzarella and sliced New Girl tomatoes, with a bit of salt and basil. It couldn’t have tasted any better! Let me know if you ever need any ideas!

 padrons with fritters








 Amon and I love cooking for events in the summer. Above are pan fried padron peppers and zucchini fritters, below are goat cheese and Jimmy Nardello pepper croustinis.  [Read more…]

News from the Farm | March 31, 2014

A Farm Wedding! 

Last Saturday was an exciting and happy day at Full Belly Farm as farm ‘kid’ Hallie was married to her sweetheart Diego in the peach orchard. Everyone on the farm was involved – Andrew officiated the ceremony, Judith toasted the happy couple, Dru and Paul transformed the farm into a wedding wonderland, Jenna made a delicious carrot cake, Rye and Amon spit-roasted a whole Full Belly hog, guests enjoyed all the fresh farm food for dinner, and farm flowers decorated each table. It was a magical celebration of love and family. Below are a few photos from the day!


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News From the Farm | Week of October 14, 2013

Fall is here and winter is coming soon. All of us at the farm are ready for shorter days, cooler nights and…rain! We absolutely can’t wait for the clouds to gather and give us that much needed winter burst of moisture – cleaning off the dusty, hectic days of summer.

The women at the farm who pick and make the flower bouquets all summer long are very happy as well. As the days become cooler and the fresh flowers come to an end in the fields their jobs move into the “wreath room” using the colorful dried flowers that have been hung from the rafters over the summer months. The barn, which we now call the wreath room, is one of the older buildings on the farm and is sided with beautifully weathered redwood. Inside are hundreds of flower bunches – I wish I could give you a tour! Yellow yarrow, blue and pink larkspur, bright red cayenne peppers, nigella, white winged everlasting, round golden drumstick, baby pink globe amaranth, black-awned wheat, all in gorgeous lines dangling from the old ceiling. As the wreaths and dried bouquets get made, flowers get pulled from the ceiling, and new bunches that have been carefully packed away in June, July and August replace them, making an ever changing array of color. [Read more…]

News From the Farm | September 9, 2013

Full Belly Farm is in the northwest corner of Yolo County, a relatively rural and agricultural county growing an incredible diversity of fruits, nuts and vegetables important to the local economy and also to surrounding urban regions. The Yolo County Agricultural Crop Report for 2012 reported that the value of organic production in the county increased by almost 33% between 2011 and 2012. 


An annual event that celebrates the agricultural bounty of Yolo County was held on Sunday September 8th to benefit the Yolo County Land Trust, an organization dedicated to preserving Yolo’s agricultural and natural values. Almost 40 regional restaurants, wineries and breweries, and 13 local farms worked on the event, with the farms donating products for the restaurants to prepare Yolo-centric summer season dishes. Guests went from table to table tasting the creative and inspiring dishes that each chef had created.

News From the Farm – May 2, 2013

The farm is so alive during this time of year! Everywhere you turn, it seems like something new is blooming, growing or coming to life. Though the hot summer seems to be racing towards us, with harvests of tomatoes, melons and squash coming soon, everyone seems to be totally rejuvenated by the bright green hills and blooming flowers. We invite you to come experience the farm in its full spring attire – chock full of flowers, baby animals and bright green hills for the 2013 Capay Valley Mother’s Day Country Gardens Tour. 

The Capay Valley Garden Tour is proud to feature nine gardens this year, including Good Humus Produce, Cache Creek Lavender, Leapfrog Farm, Lloyd Ranch and Full Belly Farm. The Gettleshtetl Garden is a wonderful homesteading garden that has over 20 varieties of fruit trees, nuts trees and even a home olive grove! Also included will be the Seka Hills Olive Mill open for olive oil tasting and Chamisa Ridge Nursery where you can purchase many of the natives that are low water use. You can bring a picnic and lunch on the lawn at many of the gardens or purchase a delicious lunch from the Grange Hall in Guinda. Not only is this a fun and relaxing way to spend Mother’s Day, but it is an opportunity to see the farms where your food is grown. 

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News from the Farm | February 18, 2013

On Saturday March 9th we will have the first Open Farm Day of 2013 here at Full Belly Farm. The main activity of the day will be our visit to several corners of the farm riding on on a tractor-drawn trailer.  We will make special stops at the asparagus to see how it is growing, and to pick some flowers from the colorful fields. The baby lambs are always a highlight of this early spring tour — the ewes are just starting to give birth this week!  We may also visit our greenhouses which should be bursting with tiny plants, the compost pile, the pig pen and our mobile chicken coops!

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