Ifisashi — Greens in Peanut Sauce

Our web site already includes many recipes for greens, but at this time of year there lots of greens in the CSA boxes and another recipe is very welcome.  Things like turnips, beets and kohlrabi are 2 vegetables in one — both the roots and the greens are edible. At the farm, while we appreciate the differences in each of the types of greens that we grow, we also tend to use whichever type is on hand.  One of our very long-time members, Julie Lovins, sent us the following recipe that she found on an ad for the organization FINCA, which works to alleviate poverty around the world.  The recipe comes from one of the Zambian women who was given a microloan by FINCA.  We have made a few adjustments to the recipe, as suggested by Julie.


1 cup raw peanuts, shelled and skins removed
1 tomato, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1 scant teaspoon salt
1.5 pounds of greens, chopped (about 1 bunch plus a bit more).  The recipe suggests collard greens, pumpkin leaves or sweet potato leaves. Julie made this using purple kale.
Cooked beef, chicken or fish (optional) — most Zambians can’t always afford meat!


Grind, chop or pound the peanuts into a fine powder. Bring a few cups of water to a boil in a large pot.  Add the peanuts, tomato and onion.  Cook on high heat for several minutes, stirring often.  Reduce the heat to medium.  Stir in the greens.  Add salt and cover.  Cook on low heat for 15 minutes to an hour.  Julie cooked it for 30 minutes. Continue cooking until greens and peanuts are reduced to a thick sauce, or stew. Serve with meat.