Another fun lambing season has come to a close! The bulk of it took place over three wild weeks, during which at least two ewes (and at most, seven) gave birth every single day. As of today, we are only waiting on three more ewes to lamb and rejoin the rest of the flock.
The other 81 ewes collectively birthed 163 lambs, and are all happily out on verdant green pasture that winter rains have blessed us with. If you’re into number crunching, here’s a few more for you to chew on: there were 20 sets of triplets born (which is low compared to other years), one quadruplet (all girls and all nursed by their mother!), eight singles, and 45 sets of twins. There are 85 female and 78 male lambs, who are a gorgeous swirl of ebony, mocha, and cream as they dance, run, and doze together. It took three farmers to make it all run smoothly, with help from a few more during the busiest birthing times. Then of course, we needed four cute farm kids to pose for photos with the growing flock.
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