As I mark my 11th year back at the farm, I feel I have settled, ever so slowly and sweetly, into the yearly dance of farming. I have found there is a rhythm that goes along with each season. Of course, there is the ferocity of our summers, spent with our heads down, harvesting and packing, and the forced stillness of winter where we practice patience as the rain comes and to-do lists get made. But the spring! The spring offers a chance at newness which is something I think everyone in this world craves. Even us farmers, who seem to know the change of season like the back of our weathered hands, relish in the buds as they burst forth, shooting stocks unfurling, and bleating lambs resting on green pasture.
The newness is everywhere! The first ranunculus bunch I pick – often just in time for my mother and sister’s mid-March birthdays. The first fragrant lilac that comes from the one bush that’s hidden near the pile of old tires behind the mechanic shed. There is newness even in the seeds we are growing – trials that we hope will measure up. This year that means exciting zinnias and feverfew that a friend-of-a-farmer said was their favorite. We hope that newness will emerge from the soil, and we will add a new variety to our list of favorites to grow year after year.
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