Theme: Hannah Muller

News from the Farm | March 10, 2025

As I mark my 11th year back at the farm, I feel I have settled, ever so slowly and sweetly, into the yearly dance of farming. I have found there is a rhythm that goes along with each season. Of course, there is the ferocity of our summers, spent with our heads down, harvesting and packing, and the forced stillness of winter where we practice patience as the rain comes and to-do lists get made. But the spring! The spring offers a chance at newness which is something I think everyone in this world craves. Even us farmers, who seem to know the change of season like the back of our weathered hands, relish in the buds as they burst forth, shooting stocks unfurling, and bleating lambs resting on green pasture.

The newness is everywhere! The first ranunculus bunch I pick – often just in time for my mother and sister’s mid-March birthdays. The first fragrant lilac that comes from the one bush that’s hidden near the pile of old tires behind the mechanic shed. There is newness even in the seeds we are growing – trials that we hope will measure up. This year that means exciting zinnias and feverfew that a friend-of-a-farmer said was their favorite. We hope that newness will emerge from the soil, and we will add a new variety to our list of favorites to grow year after year.

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News from the Farm | August 26, 2024

Somehow, we have reached the end of August. The mornings last week were brisk; it only hit 87 degrees on Friday, and we all scratched our heads on Saturday as a light rain sprinkled down on our valley and left the fields and trees slightly less dusty than they were before. 

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News from the Farm | February 19, 2024

“My mom and I speak to each other through the flowers we grow. The joys and triumphs of our flower fields and bouquets are etched into the smile lines around our eyes and each late frost that hit our spring flowers or gophers that found our tulips has added a wrinkle to our furrowed brows. We gawk over seed catalogs together, wondering whether new flower varieties would fare well in our growing zone. We harvest together early in the morning. We dream the same dreams of snapdragon fields, mixed bouquets and fragrant wreaths.”

-An excerpt from my new book Designing with Dried Flowers 

My childhood was spent in sync with seasonal flowers. I slept in harvest boxes as my mom picked calendula for orders, I rode alongside buckets of sweet peas in hand pulled carts headed back to the packing shed, and I created elaborate fairy mansions in the many roses, and irises under the shade of the fig tree in my mother’s garden. I grew up at Full Belly Farm, the youngest child of Dru Rivers and Paul Muller, and now a second generation farmer at Full Belly Farm. Sometimes it feels like I had no choice, not in moving back to the farm – that I did freely and without any pressure from family – but in choosing flowers as my life work and passion. It was ingrained in me, the flowers whispering to me through osmosis, calling my name “Hannah Rose” over and over again until I felt ready to listen in my early 20’s. I started designing flower arrangements for weddings and events ten years ago (using Full Belly Farm flowers, naturally) and worked alongside the Full Belly flower crew harvesting flowers, packing out orders and readying flowers for market and CSA. 

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News from the Farm | September 26, 2022

It’s the end of the 2022 Flower CSA season, which goes from April 1 to September 30. During those six months, the flower team picked and bunched about 7,400 bouquets for our CSA members, in addition to all the other flowers they pick. They’ll be transitioning into dried flowers and wreaths soon (more about that in a future Beet) but in the meantime, here’s a recap of the season in words and photos from Hannah: [Read more…]

News from the Farm | March 7, 2022

As we tucked flowers and seeds into the ground in the fall of 2019, we had no inkling of what was in store for us in 2020. We had planned and planted, as many farmers do, with wishful thoughts of selling out at Farmers Markets, growing our flower CSA, and continuing our long relationships with stores and wholesalers in California. I had close to 20 weddings lined up for 2020 that I was preparing for as well, each requiring many consultations with couples, phone calls, vision boards, and countless emails. As all of our flowers began to bloom in March, the first lockdown began. Within a week, all but two of my weddings were canceled for the year. Farmers Markets shut down then reopened with strict protocols around social distancing and rules about customers not handling produce. Stores and restaurants closed and wholesalers were nervous buyers, especially in the case of flowers. As far as they could tell, flowers were an unessential item and the likelihood that customers would buy flowers in the midst of a pandemic seemed low. [Read more…]

News From the Farm | June 8, 2020

My name is Hannah Muller and I am a second generation Full Belly Farmer. I also run Instagram accounts for both the Farm and our floral business. In light of the killing of George Floyd, and our ever-growing concern towards police brutality and racism we believe that food and flowers aren’t the only things we should be sharing. I have been using our social media platforms to encourage others to support the Black Lives Matter movement, to listen to the voices of black farmers and activists, and to learn how to be a better ally.  In response, someone told me I shouldn’t use our platform to express personal beliefs, because flowers are supposed to be happy. This was my response. [Read more…]

News From the Farm | November 26, 2018

Fall is in full swing here at the farm. The first rain came last week and washed away months of dust and smoke that had settled on the plants. The leaves on the walnut trees seemed to change from bright green to a dark yellow overnight and the farmers began to walk a little slower and breathe a little deeper. It happens every year- and yet it feels just as refreshing this year as the last. The fresh flowers are frosted and the petals now have a beautiful browned edge that seems to signal the end of the season.  [Read more…]

News From the Farm | February 12, 2018

103rd Annual Capay Valley Almond Blossom Festival

Every February, the Capay Valley celebrates the number one cash crop in Yolo County: the almond or “ahh-mand” as they are pronounced around here. While we can all agree that a glass of almond milk is delicious, in our area, local farmers don’t only grow them for their juice. They are also roasted, turned into butter, made into soap, and even eaten in ice cream!

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News From the Farm | March 14, 2016

Two weeks ago, I picked the first ranunculus out of our spring flower field. It was just one bunch, and the pink, purple, and red petals were all lightly dusted with rain. The stems were snipped close to the base of the leafy plant, and then wrapped carefully with one of the green rubber bands that I seem to have permanently attached to my wrists. It was just one bunch, but I felt a budding excitement anyway. In my last two years of picking flowers for wedding and events here at Full Belly Farm, I have seen how quickly one bunch of flowers transforms into an entire field of beautiful blooms ready for clipping. The first sweet peas are finding their way up the twine to finally push forth fragrant buds, and the snapdragons are growing towards the sun – raising their heads higher and higher until they begin to bloom with bright colors. And so it goes. Spring is coming soon, and the flowers at Full Belly Farm are paving the way, calling to the insects, farmers and customers to get prepared to join in the spectacle of the spring equinox parade.

The flower fields this year are some for the record books. Rows upon rows of Love In The Mist, Bells of Ireland, Calendula, Feverfew, Godetias… the March rains have transformed the fields into an emerald dreamland, where drip tape has not been needed, and weeding has been easier to stay on top of than in years past. Last year at this time, the fields were cracking and the soil was dry. Drip tape gave enough water for single plants to grow, but left the rest of the field thirsty. It is such a stark contrast, and while the famers are itching to get summer planting underway, they are also grinning from ear to ear every time they look at their rain gauges, thankful for this “miracle March.” The flowers are blooming a bit slower, and are coming at a steadier pace than last year, but as soon as this next storm passes, and April draws nearer, we know that we will have flowers blooming ‘out of our ears’ as they say. [Read more…]

News From the Farm | August 24, 2015

It was my parent’s 32nd wedding anniversary last week. To me, along with wishing them a happy day and giving them a big sloppy smooch on the cheek, this also meant working along side them on the farm on another hot summer day.

There are challenges and incredible benefits to working with my family members. As sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers, we are all joined in the valiant effort of trying to feed the souls and bellies of those who surround us. Additionally, we all try to remember to ask how weekends went, how children are, and check in with each other on a personal level. During these long summer days, it would be easy to slide into work and forget that we are family. [Read more…]


June 23, 2014


Congratulations to Full Belly farm kid Hannah Muller on her graduation from the University of Oregon with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Anthropology. Hannah has returned to the farm to become our head florist and begin her career as a floral designer! You can visit her beautiful blog –  to see her work! 

News From the Farm | Week of June 24, 2013

My name is Hannah and I am a farmer’s daughter. I was born on Full Belly Farm, and I am the daughter of two of the partners, Dru Rivers and Paul Muller. I was raised eating fruits and vegetables fresh off the vine and running mud-footed through acres of my family’s backyard. This childhood was unbelievably picturesque, filled with tomato wars, warm days spent in the creek and cracking watermelons open in the field searching for the perfectly ripe ones before sitting down and digging my dirty hands into the red flesh to devour my prize. Living among the flowers and fruit trees gave me room to experience through trial and error and let my imagination grow strong and tall. These hands-on activities made me realize how important those tools are in the growth of our emotional, intellectual and physical wellbeing. It became my dream a while back to share my connection to food and create a space that allowed for freedom of expression and imagination.

As I went away to college at the University of Oregon, I discovered my connection to Full Belly Farm deepening.  I started to see my life and childhood through the eyes of my peers and those who had never experienced what it was like to eat a peach off the tree or milk a cow by hand. I also began noticing the aspects of my life on the farm that intermingled with my major of sociology and my interest in nonviolent communication and mediation. The farmers that I knew, women with sun-kissed skin and muscled arms and men with scuffed beards and ripped jeans were examples of what it looks like to live and eat sustainably and act nonviolently. [Read more…]