Amon looks at the soil in the no-till plot. It was irrigated several weeks ago, but is still moist despite all the heat —
We have arrived at July, a month when harvest and market are top priorities at the farm. A lot of other activities play supporting roles but the quantity and diversity of produce coming in from the fields dominate the senses and take up the bulk of our attention.
We have had a number of members express their wish that we could allow them to customize their CSA boxes in various ways, for example by choosing what produce they get. While we have developed a system for adding-on various items to the standard produce in the box, the sheer volume of activity in our packing shed and the multiple demands of the farm in general, make customization really challenging. The places that can customize produce boxes are usually one step removed from the farms that supply them; they are usually operating at a different scale of marketing than us; and they have the ability to make big investments in technology. We completely understand the interest in getting to choose what goes in the box, but our set-up is designed to keep you on your toes. [Read more…]