A telltale sign that we’re about to get our first big fall rain is every tractor in use and everyone operating at a slightly frenetic, faster than usual pace.
Last Monday and Tuesday, every tractor on the farm was accounted for: mowing fall crops, turning over beds, spreading compost, planting cover crop seed (until long after dark – that’s why tractors have headlights!), transplanting, and planting tulips. We even squeezed an all-hands-on-deck hand transplanting effort in the rain on Wednesday before the soil got too saturated. Did we get everything done before the rain arrived? No – the list of tasks is too long. But we still got quite a lot done, and then got quite a lot of rain, 8.5 inches between Wednesday morning and Saturday morning.

It’s always incredible to see how well our soil absorbs all that water. It’s a testament to the years of careful and deliberate investment in soil health, including planting cover crops and minimizing tillage. There was some pooling in the furrows and other areas that are compacted by feet and tractor tires, but all the rest was absorbed once the rain stopped.
Also incredible is our amazing team, who worked through several cold and wet days to pick and wash everything. The couple days off for Thanksgiving are well deserved! Though we are still attending the Saturday Palo Alto Farmers Market, making CSA deliveries, and tending to animals, so it’s not four full days of rest for everyone.

On this Thanksgiving week, I want to say a big thanks to our hardworking crew, especially our delivery drivers who’ll be on the road this Friday and Saturday (Jose and Pancho). And thank you for your support!
Additional thank yous go to Dru and Mizu for the photos!
Elaine Swiedler, CSA Manager