News From the Farm | November 23, 2015

Eagle in November

By Rye Muller

Still, smoky air settles in the valley

The hills appear as paintings in fall’s cold haze

Days of November

Yesterday we sowed our cover crops,

Today, rain falls kindly on that soil

Seeds set free

Fruit trees that speckle our land

Welcome winter winds

Yellow leaves blanket orchard floors

The sleepy sun sits low in the sky

A shadow twice my size at noon

Days of dusk so it seems

Fall brings a quiet stillness

Spring brought flowers and summer the fruit

Now we listen

Naked trees with canopies of blackbirds

Resting together, hardly moving

Until the Eagle stakes its claim

Silence makes easy prey

If they dare move

Coddled in dry nests

Golden hills of the valley now turn grey

Worn by sun and hoof

Wait patiently for rain

Not all is seen in fall pastel

Bright turnip, carrot and beet

Glow beneath our feet

Buds on the tree dream of spring swell

Coyotes sing to solstice moons

Rivers rage and rise

Two Eagles build a nest

Atop the tallest oak tree

Mates for life this mighty pair

Somehow they see a glimmer of spring

Tomorrow’s warmth in today’s cold hands

Wing in wing they prepare

Hatching love, a sprouting seed

Egg to Eagle, grain to bread

To this the farmer bows his head

Let us always remember

To give love, peace and thanks

For the Eagle in November
