News From the Farm | May 13, 2013

Our crops are all a bit ahead of usual for early May. Here you can see that our first planting of sweet corn is already knee-high and growing fast.


We have some very pretty cabbage this spring!


On any given morning some people might be picking and others packing vegetables. At the same time there will be people trellising tomatoes, or weeding a field. Ricardo is using the tractor to lay two lines of drip tape into each bed, in this soon-to-be tomato field. In the foreground is a healthy field of potatoes.


In the week before Mothers Day our flower crew picked almost 3,000 bunches of flowers!


This is the crew that picks your asparagus. There is hardly any asparagus left, so they are moving on to potatoes.


Look at the size of those peaches already! Zepeda is tying ribbons to the trees in hopes that the birds will be scared away from the ripening fruit.
