News from the Farm | February 24, 2014

Signs of Spring!

Everywhere we look, Spring seems to be popping up!

photo 1We had the most beautiful baby pigs born at the farm last thursday. Our sow, Candy, was bred with a wild boar so the piglets were born with a wide array of colors and markings. They are as fast as can be, and some have almost doubled in weight since their birth! 

photo 3Sunday was our valley’s 99th Annual Almond Festival. We loved seeing CSA Members, Farmers Market customers, and old farm friends. The almonds bloomed almost perfectly on cue – and we can smell their sweet blossoms in the air. 

photo 2Farmer Rowan is still getting used to the idea of sniffing flowers instead of eating them. If they smell good, they must taste good, right? These tulips popped up out of the fields so quickly with the warm weather we have had over the past week. 

photo 5Our onions are growing like weeds! These onions were transplanted last fall and have had a heck of a time growing with the lack of rain. The rain we got a few weeks ago gave them the kick that they needed. We transplanted almost 250,000 onion starts and will begin harvesting them as spring onions within the next month.

photo 4Cache Creek is eerily low for this time of year. We are hoping that the rain we get at the end of this week can replenish a bit of our water supply. 

Happy (almost) Spring! 

— Jenna and Hallie