Farm News

News from the Farm | February 17, 2025

What’s the photo above of? It’s an extreme closeup of purple cauliflower, taken by CSA member and longtime CSA host Dave.

This week is National CSA Week – established in 2021 as a week for celebrating and promoting CSAs. The Full Belly Farm CSA has been operating since 1992, so in many ways, the past 1,600+ weeks have been CSA weeks. That feat alone is worth acknowledging!

We’re going to start off celebrating with two letters. First is one that we received this December:

Dear Full Belly,

We will be moving out of state in early January, so sadly I am writing to cancel our CSA subscription starting January 1. We would like to donate the remainder of the boxes we’ve paid for.

We want to thank everyone at Full Belly for nourishing our family with delicious food for decades, and let you know how important Full Belly has been to our family. We joined the Full Belly CSA in the late 90s, as a young unmarried couple, still in school. We’ve been members ever since, with a few breaks when we lived outside of the delivery area. At first we struggled to eat many of the veggies but over time we found ways to love almost all of them – beets in risotto, mustard greens in potato goat cheese quesadillas, pickled turnips as a topping for banh mi. For the few veggies we haven’t learned to love, we know which of our neighbors are happy to have them delivered to their front porches.

Our daughters, now young adults, have eaten Full Belly produce their whole lives. The first vegetable they learned to love was Full Belly carrots. They called them “farm carrots,” and when they saw us packing carrots in their lunches they would ask “Are those farm carrots?” During the frustrating years when they didn’t like vegetables, our CSA subscription motivated us to keep putting a variety of veggies on the table, and over time our daughters learned to enjoy them. Our weekly box was the basis of our meal planning each week, and helped answer the exhausting “What’s for dinner?” question. We have attended open farm days and Hoes Down as a family and are grateful to have been invited to share the beauty of the farm and the people who work there.

Thank you for feeding our family.

With gratitude,

Ellen, John, Lela, and Anna

My parents joined the CSA 20 years ago and I remember having my first Full Belly carrots and being blown away. I can’t claim it was a straight shot from that first carrot to working here today, but clearly the experience had an impact. 

Now let’s rewind to October 1994. That marked when the farm started including a copy of the Beet in the boxes (once a month!) instead of just posting a copy at the pick up sites, and it’s the oldest Beet that we have in the office. You can read a copy of that Beet here.

Since 1994, there have been changes: the farm and CSA have grown, we send a weekly newsletter (via email), the crops going into the boxes, and the boxes themselves have changed (we started using the reusable “Stop Waste” boxes about 10 years ago), to name a few. However the core values of the farm and the motivation for running a CSA have not. We are incredibly proud that we feed over 1,000 families a week and have a direct relationship with them. According to our CSA member survey last year, the top three things that our CSA members value are getting (1) local, (2) organic, and (3) high quality produce, followed by (4) connection to a specific farm and (5) exposure to new produce. Someone wrote “I have confidence that I know where my food came from, that it was grown with care, and that it is high quality.”

The lack of control and choice inherent in our CSA model is a unique way to get produce, and might not be for everyone.  However, the surprise element that comes with us choosing the boxes was highlighted as a good thing by many people in the survey. Many, many people view it as a good challenge that makes them more creative and adventurous cooks, more connected to the seasons, and alleviated from “the endless decision fatigue of life!”

With over 30 years of history, photos, recipes, stories, and letters, we could go on and on, but instead, we’ll wrap it up with more purple cauliflower photos sent to us by CSA members. How often can you say that grocery store produce was so exciting that it moved you to take photos? In that vein, make sure to check out the two Recipes of the Week (this one and this one) both from CSA members, a roasted cauliflower dish and the soup in the photo above (note from Elisa: “This is the soup with a few squeezes of fresh lemon. The lemon creates the pink! A very fun experiment”). Whenever you have a recipe or tip for prepping, storing, or cooking, don’t hesitate to share it with us, as these folks did. Or you can tag us on Instagram!

AND – send us your “vintage” CSA photos! We’re curious to see how far back in time we can get! The 90s? Vintage is a relative term though; if you’re a new member, you’re welcome to contribute too, even if you just got your first box last week.

Regardless of if you’re a photo-taking person or not, we definitely encourage you to spread the word to your friends and family about what they’re missing by not being part of a CSA!

Elaine Swiedler, CSA Manager

News from the Farm | February 10, 2025

We got over five inches of rain last week with about 2.75 inches just on Tuesday. See Andrew’s rain gauge above. (Dry) January is over! We were all glad to get some rain, though it meant some cold, grey, damp days, even with rain coats, pants, and boots. On rainy days, the goal is to pick and pack what we need for CSA boxes, orders, and farmers markets and then head out, no other field work.

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News from the Farm | February 4, 2025

Dear CSA members and Full Belly Farm supporters,     

This Monday, February 3, our entire field crew of 60 amazing people did not come to work. They joined a nationwide groundswell “Day Without Immigrants” movement hoping to shed light on the economic and social contributions of our immigrant community to the entire US economy.

Our crew chose to stop work for a day protesting the fear and direct intimidation that has been thrust upon the entire immigrant and in particular the Hispanic community. The dehumanizing and inflammatory rhetoric characterizing all brown-skinned people as suspect criminals is overtly racist and destructive to an entire national community of people who work in our kitchens, clean hotels, care for elderly, milk cows, are ’dreamers’, or pick oranges and vegetables. 

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News from the Farm | January 27, 2025

Winter is the season for leafy greens, brassicas, and root vegetables. It’s also the time of year for farmer conferences, seminars, meetings, and other opportunities to meet and gather for educational and social purposes.

This was on display last week: 

On Tuesday, Andrew attended the annual meeting for the Irrigated Lands Program, a state-wide, locally administered program to control runoff from farms. While not particularly interesting and inspiring, it’s a requirement, and sometimes there are important updates about program details.

Then midday on Tuesday was the second installment of the Organic Agriculture Seminar Series for Growers, administered by our local UC Cooperative Extension specialists. Winter is when UC Extension, and other ag support organizations, hold classes and trainings, usually targeted at specific sectors. So far I’ve been able to watch the two seminars, covering soil macrofauna (like worms) and pest management, and I’ve really enjoyed them (including the “bioturbation” videos, like this one).

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News from the Farm | January 20, 2025

What’s the news of the past week?

Well… like all first weeks back, it was busy: lots of new CSA members, lots of excited customers placing orders, and lots to harvest and weed. And as you can imagine, after taking a few weeks off, it takes us a second to get back up to full speed. Plus there’s always some sort of technology issue to fix (printer problems, email issues, time clock tumult). All things considered, it was a pretty normal week and it was nice to see everyone again.

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News from the Farm | January 13, 2025

It’s the first farming week of the year! Welcome back to returning CSA members, and welcome to the many new folks joining our Community! We’re excited for you to get your first boxes.

After four weeks off, we’re ready to start picking, washing, packing, weeding, seeding, and all the other tasks that are needed to get our produce to your tables. The bright, sunny, dry days are quite a change from the rainy, grey, muddy conditions as we started our break. Cover crops have germinated and most fields are covered with some amount of green.

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News from the Farm | December 9, 2024

The whole crew at last week’s end of the year lunch with our new sweatshirts!

The last CSA deliveries of the year! The final markets too! As we head to the 14th of December, 2024, we are looking forward to a break– as maybe you all are also. Maybe just now you are thinking of the freedom to cruise the wide aisles of your Safeway or Whole Foods and be tempted by the December plums or peaches from far off lands- or asparagus, tomatoes or grapes that might break the potato winter squash dark leafy green lettuce cabbage carrot monotony of a Full Belly CSA Share. For us, in the same moment, we will be looking forward to tending a quiet farm, without the tug of crops demanding attention or the chaotic hustle of crews racing to fields to fill orders- picking/bunching/digging for your table… Though you may appreciate the freedom of shopping your favorite produce aisle, (we have to admit that) we will miss you, but appreciate the quiet of this generous land.

Our crew will be out of here hours after we close for our winter break. Most will be heading off to see family. They are ready for extended time off, enduring a year of working 5½ days per week since January.  Almost all have seen an increase in wages here and have benefited from overtime after working a 40 hour week. The new minimum wage and overtime rules for those who labor in our fields has been applied to all farmers, creating better wages and a level playing field across California farms. We remain intent on building a model for equity and security in housing for our crew here.  

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News from the Farm | December 2, 2024

a field at sunset

Somehow it’s December and we find ourselves almost at the end of another year. Time flies when you’re having fun. And/or when you’re really busy farming. We’ve got this week, next week, and then a four-week break (until the week of January 13).

The weather and surroundings make it clear that seasons are changing. The sun is noticeably weaker, and it gets dark so early. The trees have been turning colors and losing their leaves. The hills haven’t yet turned green, and the fields of cover crops have yet to germinate, so things are looking a little brown. We know that things will look very different very soon, but it takes time. 

Now that things are drying out, we can do more transplanting (lots of starts in the greenhouse!), planting (plenty of summer crop fields that need cover crop seed!), and taking down summer fields (mowing, pulling drip tape, etc.). There’s plenty to do when it comes to getting the farm ready to take a break, and last week was too short and too wet to get anything done. So it’s a good thing we had a few days off for Thanksgiving to rest up before the final sprint over the finish line.

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News from the Farm | November 25, 2024

transplanting tulips on the back of a tractor

A telltale sign that we’re about to get our first big fall rain is every tractor in use and everyone operating at a slightly frenetic, faster than usual pace. 

Last Monday and Tuesday, every tractor on the farm was accounted for: mowing fall crops, turning over beds, spreading compost, planting cover crop seed (until long after dark – that’s why tractors have headlights!), transplanting, and planting tulips. We even squeezed an all-hands-on-deck hand transplanting effort in the rain on Wednesday before the soil got too saturated. Did we get everything done before the rain arrived? No – the list of tasks is too long. But we still got quite a lot done, and then got quite a lot of rain, 8.5 inches between Wednesday morning and Saturday morning. 

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News from the Farm | November 18, 2024

We are in the season of “lasts” for the year; last tomatoes, last jimmy nardello peppers, last markets (not until the week of December 13!), last box of peach jam, and more. Last Saturday (the 9th) marked our last farm dinner of the year, putting a celebratory end to our 2024 events. As many of you may know, we are not just a working farm! Our beautiful commercial kitchen moonlights as an event space where we host farm dinners, pizza nights, weddings, tours, and other special occasions. 

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News from the Farm | November 11, 2024

corn in the field

I wanted to share a letter we got a week ago from a CSA member:

On Wednesday, we picked up our CSA box. As my husband was prepping the corn, he found a little corn worm. Our kids (5 and almost 3) love caterpillar friends, so as we have done many times, we put the little guy in a mason jar with some food and placed him in our kitchen for the kids to enjoy. He was promptly named Caterpilly. We also got to talk about how other animals and insects we share our world with enjoy the same food we do and how great that is. We love our CSA box, and I wanted to share this story because it is so much more than food that comes in those green boxes.  

Keep doing what you are doing. 

Thanks, Meghan

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News from the Farm | November 4, 2024

Rainbow over a green field

What’d we do last week? Here’s just a few things (a complete list would go on forever) with photos – thanks to Andrew, Becca, Dru, and Mizu for sharing their pictures!

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News from the Farm | October 28, 2024

closeup of chard bunches

This week’s Beet – a short video showing how the many bunches of beautiful, delicious chard last week got from the field to your CSA boxes. Those of you who didn’t get a box missed out!

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News from the Farm | October 21, 2024

Manuel, Arturo, Conrado, Alfonso, and Chica with project plans

Our farm is entering 41 years of exploring the ethical stewardship of place – seeking deeper knowledge of integrated levels of life, from soil underfoot to the heavens. We have always sought harmony with that life, operating with the best intentions to foster health, community, and whole-mind relationships. Over our time here, we have become a group of farmers integrated with a deep ecology of this specific place. Native elders speak and think in terms of seven generations.  We are but beginners at learning that mindset and the practices that allow us deep relationships here; we have so far to go. 

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News from the Farm | October 14, 2024

This time of year, we’re harvesting and curing winter squash. When the squash look ready, we stop watering, then we cut the squash from the plants, line them into rows, then after a few days in the field (the exact number depends on the temperature) we pick them up and store them in bins until they’re needed. The few days in the field is called curing. While curing, extra moisture evaporates, hardening the squash skin and concentrating sugars in the squash. It also slows down the respiration rate of the squash, which is essential for long term storage. Curing also helps heal cuts and scratches and seals the stem. The hardened skin creates a protective layer that will help preserve the squash. Some squash need additional ripening time in storage for the best eating quality.

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News from the Farm | October 7, 2024

The 33rd Hoes Down happened this past weekend – a mix of farm fun, friends, family, and food. A good time was had by all 2,000ish folks who braved the heat to spend time here this weekend. Somehow, the farm is back in action on Monday morning with a relatively short list of remaining clean up tasks.

The fact that we’re a working farm the Friday and Monday surrounding this big event hides what a huge undertaking the Hoes Down is. It requires months of planning, countless little details to figure out, and a lot of hands and hard work in the days before and days after to pull it off. 

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News from the Farm | September 30, 2024

Scenes from the past week:

The transition from fresh flowers to dried. The 2024 CSA flower season has come to an end. Thanks to all those who got a bouquet! There are still some fresh flowers out in the field, but this week, the flower team will need to spend some time with the dried flowers to make sure we have wreaths ready for the Hoes Down on Saturday. After that, we can turn our focus to making wreaths and mixed bouquets for CSA members, farmers markets, and stores!

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News from the Farm | September 23, 2024

Now that we’ve passed the autumn equinox, it’s officially fall, but with a few 100+ degree days this week, it’s not quite sweater weather just yet and we haven’t slowed down. There is SO much going on right now; a full list of activities would go on for pages, especially if we included all of the many things, big and small, that go into planning and executing the Hoes Down Harvest Festival, now less than two weeks away.

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News from the Farm | September 16, 2024

The fall equinox is this upcoming Sunday and we’ve got a week of cooler, autumnal weather in the forecast. In order to have something to harvest when summer crops slow down, we have to plant in the August and September heat. Hot temperatures stress transplants and many seeds won’t germinate in high temperatures, so cooler temperatures are very welcome. Otherwise, we have to be vigilant with watering, using our sprinklers to keep the soil damp and cool enough for seed germination.

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News from the Farm | September 9, 2024

Whew – another week in the summer sprint done!

Some notable moments from last week included:

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