Our news this week is very specific to those of you who are members of our CSA: Full Belly has launched an on-line portal that will allow you to manage your CSA member account yourself. This program has been a long time coming and we’re very excited that it is ready!
Once you have activated your account you will be able to look at your upcoming schedule for CSA boxes and special orders, check your account information, view your payment history, and submit an updated credit card.
We still love to hear from you and you are always welcome to email or phone us, but now that you have access to your account we hope that the process of renewing your box and updating your credit card will be easier. Some of you have already received an email from us with an activation code. If you haven’t received that email yet, rest assured that you will get one within the next 10 days. If you want to set up an account and can’t wait, by all means let us know and we will send you your special activation code right away. The code allows you to link with all of your current information.
With this new system, you will have the option of putting your order on auto renewal. If you indicate that you do want an order put on auto renewal, we will always send you an email before we charge your credit card, giving you the opportunity to opt out — and only if we don’t hear from you, will we go ahead and renew your order.
We owe a great deal of gratitude and appreciation to Maxwell Klein who did the back-end development of a truly cadillac system that we are proud of. We are also blessed to be working with Elisa Rohner Design. Elisa built our public web site as well as the screens that you will see when you sign into your account.
Let us know if you have any questions about setting up your on-line account!