News from the Farm | September 23, 2024

Now that we’ve passed the autumn equinox, it’s officially fall, but with a few 100+ degree days this week, it’s not quite sweater weather just yet and we haven’t slowed down. There is SO much going on right now; a full list of activities would go on for pages, especially if we included all of the many things, big and small, that go into planning and executing the Hoes Down Harvest Festival, now less than two weeks away.

Among all that’s going on, I’ve got three things to share, a mix of photos and facts, that seemed noteworthy.

First – 

Our fall fields look beautiful. The transplants have undergone an impressive amount of growth. Check out the difference between September 20 and September 1 for this field planted in mid-August, when the transplants were about two inches tall!

Without successful heat stress management, we wouldn’t have such a beautiful looking field. Regular irrigation is crucial, but it’s more than that. We also make sure that our transplants are well hydrated before planting and we apply a seaweed extract for extra nutrients via the tractor when we plant them. But the real secret is fertile ground and healthy soil. Years of investment in healthy soil leads to more resilient, stronger, and healthier plants.

Now that the plants are more established, it’s time to do some weeding!

Second – 

Just as fun as watching the vegetable crops grow before our eyes is hunting down giant cockscomb! Remember the picture of the giant celosia back in July? Well, we’ve got more this year! Each one has a unique, interesting shape, and the colors are beautiful. They’re not practical for a tabletop vase, but they are SO cool looking!

Lastly – 

This is the last week of the CSA flower season. A few more orders may trickle in this week, but as of Monday (9/23) morning, the total count for this year was 6,750 beautiful bouquets for CSA members. It’s such a rewarding feeling to know how much joy and brightness they bring to your houses, and we appreciate the notes we’ve gotten about how much you enjoy them.

Elaine Swiedler, CSA Manager