I asked if I could write the newsletter this week because I realized it would probably be my last chance, and that I hadn’t written one since 2006! A few of you may know me but for the many that don’t, my name is Jan and I have been the harvest/farm manager for the past 12 years. I came to Full Belly Farm in 2003 as an intern and basically never left. My journey, starting as an intern, has left me very nostalgic as a new chapter is about to begin for me.
When I reflect on the people, experiences, teaching, support, growth and so many more lessons learned over the years, I am consistently led back to immense gratitude. I am filled with so much gratitude for the farm hiring me on that day back in 2003 despite my very limited experience in farming. I am grateful to the owners and crew for taking the time to teach me and for allowing space to make (LOTS of!) mistakes. I am grateful to Nature for providing a constant canvas for growth and beauty, as well as challenge and struggle. I am grateful to farming and the larger community that work together to make it happen; it really is a team sport! I am grateful for the love and support I received from SO many! Really the list could go on and on, and does!
So many memories! Like the compassion I was shown the first time I was sent out to mow potatoes and I mowed them all too short so we had to harvest them right away. Or the many times I hit a riser with some tractor implement and had to work, with a teaching hand, until dark thirty to get the pipe glued and ready for the next irrigation set. And the hours watching soil fold while cultivating on the offset cultivating tractor that I was sent off on to “learn how to do it.” Or the time the crew took their one day off to help me plant a mandarin orchard of my own. Or the hours and hours spent in the market truck philosophizing and connecting because what else can you do that early in the morning? And of course, the challenge of trying to keep the diverse array of flowers somewhat organized, though no matter what, it’s always beautiful. And one of my favorite memories is when the farm kids jump in my truck to go hunting for snacks around the farm. My experience at the farm was more than just “farmer training” it was also so much about community. Within all these memories I can still feel the supporting energy and strength the people and this farm manifests with all it does.
It is because of these memories, and so much more, that makes this transition a specifically hard one. I am learning more and more that life is not always a straight line; and change is something inevitable and can be an impetus for continued growth and learning. This September I have decided to make what feels like a big change to leave Full Belly Farm (but not the community!) and to explore a different way of integrating farming, learning and teaching into my life as the UC Davis Student Farm Production Manager and Educator. And I am writing this newsletter to express my deep and unwavering appreciation to all of you that have helped me, and will continue to, help me along this journey. Thank you for supporting Full Belly Farm in growing new farmers as well as stewarding the land and growing delicious food! And thank you all for all the love, support and kindness you have all given along the way!
– Jan Velilla