News From the Farm | June 11, 2018

We are on the cusp of an explosion — but you, our CSA members, might never know it from the boxes.  The only hints are the summer squash and the arrival of basil.  Every year, right around this time, there is a sense of expectation as the tomatoes flower and start to set fruit, the onion and garlic crops are harvested, and we check the progress of the first melons starting to swell and sweeten on their vines.

Many fields are being mowed and turned over — prepared for their next crop.  Most of the cool weather crops have wound down. Lettuce, broccoli and the tender greens are but remnants in their scraggly and weedy fields. We could call this the “in between” season, with a few greens reminding us of the spring days past and a few fun surprises confirming that summer is on the way. The days have been blessedly cool, but we all know, and almost hold our breaths both in trepidation as well as in excitement:  the hot weather is just around the corner, and with it there will be a crescendo of one crop after another demanding an immediate harvest.

The CSA boxes reflect this awkward moment in the changing seasons, when there is a little bit less diversity. Potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic — they return week after week, until all of a sudden… they are gone for the year and the CSA boxes will be full of summer sweetness.  Thank you for your patience with the Full Belly changing seasons, and Blessings on Your Meals.

—Judith Redmond

Three goats born at Full Belly Farm last week.  They are less than three-days old in these photos.